Trump announces Elon Musk will head audit of entire federal government

Elon Musk will head audit of entire federal government
PRICES AND REGULATION: I pledge that in my second term, I will eliminate at least ten old regulations for every new one. This can be done quite easily. Instead of attacking future industries, we will embrace them, making America the world capital for crypto and Bitcoin.
GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY: At Elon Musk’s suggestion, who has given me his complete and total endorsement, I will establish a Government Efficiency Task Force. This task force will conduct a comprehensive financial and performance audit of the federal government, recommending drastic reforms. Elon Musk, despite his busy schedule, has agreed to lead this effort. In 2022, fraud and improper payments cost taxpayers hundreds of billions. As its first task, this commission will develop a plan to eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months, saving trillions.
TAX POLICY: My plan is to make the Trump tax cuts permanent and cut taxes even further. There will be no tax on tips, a policy idea I introduced and was later echoed by others. Additionally, we will eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits, ensuring that those on fixed incomes aren’t further burdened by inflation and taxation. Under my administration, we proved that targeted tax cuts do not increase the deficit but grow the economy and raise revenue.
MANUFACTURING AND TARIFFS: To support American manufacturing, my plan includes expanded R&D tax credits, 100% bonus depreciation for new manufacturing investments, and reducing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% for companies that produce in America. Companies that outsource or offshore will not be eligible for these benefits and will face substantial tariffs on imported goods. The message is clear: make your products here in America, or face economic consequences.
ECONOMIC NATIONALISM: We will not allow our wealth and jobs to be taken away and sent to foreign countries, a trend that has persisted for decades. China’s economic rise was largely at our expense, but that era is over. We will prioritize American production and protect our industries from being undercut by foreign competition.

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